The United States also allows expatriates to exempt$ 99,200 of foreign earned income, then taxes them on the rest. 在美国,外派人员境外收入的免税额为9.92万美元,超过这个数字的部分会被征税。
Mr Obama will also propose a 19 per cent tax on future foreign earnings, giving companies a credit on foreign taxes and allowing them to be reinvested in the US with no additional penalty. 奥巴马还将提议未来对美国企业的海外利润征税19%,使它们享受外国税收抵免,并允许它们将海外利润再投资于美国,而不再承受其他惩罚。
Foreign investors will be exempt from paying taxes on capital gains ( CGT). 外国投资者将可免交资本增值税。
Of course, if energy prices go up, the cost of production will increase and companies may lose out to foreign competitors who pay less for their energy, so taxes cannot be too high. 当然,如果能源价格上涨,生产成本将增加,但是这样会增加公司和外国竞争者的压力,谁为能源支付更少就更有竞争力,所以税收不能太高。
Credit for foreign death taxes 外国遗产税的税收抵免
China HP is Beijing foreign capital enterprise ten big pay taxes rich family, And continuous many year cover whole nation foreign tradesman association evaluate top-notch joint ventures. 中国惠普是北京外资企业十大纳税大户,并连续多年被全国外商协会评为十佳合资企业。
Several Problems of Tax Allowance of the Foreign Capitals are Studied after Two Taxes are Amalgamated 两税合并后外资税收优惠若干问题研究
The steps announced by the president would include closing down the notorious check box loophole that enables companies to avoid US and foreign taxes by shifting income to subsidiaries based in offshore tax havens. 奥巴马宣布的措施将包括堵塞声名狼藉的勾选漏洞,这一漏洞通过将收入转移到企业位于海外避税天堂的子公司,让企业规避美国和外国税收。
The examinations focus on whether financial institutions failed to withhold tax on payments made to foreign clients who may be liable for US taxes with respect to dividend payments. 调查焦点在于,各金融机构是否在向外国客户付款之前没有预扣税收,这些外国客户本来可能需要为股息缴纳美国税收。
Main contents: the course introduces foreign taxes and their imposition methods, foreign tax structure, foreign tax burden, foreign tax preferences, foreign tax jurisdiction and foreign tax administration system. 主要内容:包括外国开征的税种及其征收方法,外国的税收结构,外国的税收负担外国的税收优惠,外国的税收管辖权,外国的税收管理制度。
A complete copy of your foreign tax return ( s) with all income information slips and schedules to support the amount of foreign income received and the foreign taxes payable. 一整套的外币征税申报单,写有所有收入信息,来证明已收到的外币收入和应缴外币税。
There are other problems related to foreign exchange and taxes that I will cover in another posting. 同时,这样做还会引起外汇和税务问题,我将会在另外的博文中讨论这些问题。
Other countries such as China and Russia are imposing price controls while others, such as Argentina and Vietnam, are enforcing foreign sales taxes or export bans. 中国和俄罗斯等国正实施价格管制,而阿根廷和越南等其它国家则实行外国销售税或出口限制。
Shanghai unveiled a plan to lure foreign financial talents by lowering their taxes, so do you think it's fair that people who aren't from China will pay less tax than people who are? 为吸引优秀外国金融人才,上海将设立“金融人才奖,”降低外国员工个人所得税。你怎么看这项新措施?
The Company is not only a privilege foreign taxes unequal economic relations constitute an important part of the tobacco industry and restricted directly the national tobacco industry's development. 该公司捐税特权的形成不仅是中外不平等经济关系的重要构成部分,并直接制约了中国民族卷烟业的发展。
Rather than let their exchange rates soar, many governments have intervened to buy foreign currency, or imposed taxes on foreign capital inflows. 让其汇率上涨相反的是,许多国家通过购买外币或对海外资本流入征税等方式干预市场。
Foreign taxes imposed on international boycott income 对国际控制收入的外国税收
Changes and Impacts of China Income Tax Law after the Consolidation of the Two Separate Income Tax Regimes; Several Problems of Tax Allowance of the Foreign Capitals are Studied after Two Taxes are Amalgamated 两税合并后我国所得税法的主要变化及影响两税合并后外资税收优惠若干问题研究
When dividends on stock in US companies are paid to foreign investors, these dividends may be subject to withholding taxes, depending on the applicable treaty between the US and the foreign investor's home country. 当美国上市公司向外国投资者派发股息时,这些股息可能需要缴纳预扣税,取决于美国与投资者所在国家之间的适用条约。
It is legitimate for countries to lower taxes in order to attract businesses and wealthy clients. But it is wrong to help foreign nationals evade taxes they legally owe to their home countries. 各国减税以吸引企业和富裕客户是正当的,但帮助外国公民逃避应依法向其母国缴纳的税收则是错误的。
Refunds on foreign taxes withheld; 退还外国所扣税款;
Legal Thoughts on Domestic and Foreign Corporate Income Taxes 对内外资企业所得税的法律思考
This contract mortgaged all Chinese salt taxes and established Salt Affairs Checking Department controlled by foreign people to levy all salt taxes. 善后大借款以中国全部盐税为抵押,设立由外国人控制的盐务稽核所监督征收全部盐税。
Chapter 3, by comparing with the historical fees-taxes system in countryside of China and the foreign prescriptive on agricultural taxes, experiences and lessons are drawn. 第三章对我国历史上农村税费制度以及国外有关农业税方面的情况进行了考察,在比较的基础上总结出了值得借鉴的经验;
When design residential real estate tax system, we should learn to avoid increasing the burden on the people; Chapter ⅳ: A comparative study of foreign real estate taxes. 在设计住宅房地产税制度时,应汲取教训,避免增加民众的负担。第四章:国外及地区房地产税的比较研究及经验借鉴。
In the course of the study, the author tries to understand establishment and development of foreign environment taxes system, and the socio-economic background and running state of the system, tries to find something, which will help our county to establish and strength the new system. 在研究过程中,力求搞清国外环境税制度建立和发展的社会经济背景及制度运行的状况,从中发现一些规律性的东西,为我们建立健全新制度提供帮助。
The topic of this section includes the source of the modern fur trade in Zhangjiachuan, the trade routes and market position, the firms owned by foreign merchant and local person, even including the taxes issues relating to these organizations. 该部分介绍了近代张家川皮毛贸易的原料来源、贸易路线和范围以及市场地位;介绍了专营皮毛的贸易实体洋行和货栈以及这些贸易机构的税收等问题。
SMEs also play a significant role in Chinese economic development, as well as enhancing urban residents 'employment, encouraging technology creativity, promoting export and foreign exchange generation, and increasing taxes in the social and economic life. 在中国的经济发展过程中,中小企业也占有十分重要的地位,在社会经济生活中发挥着增加城镇居民就业、带动科技创新、促进出口创汇、增加税收等巨大作用。
The proportion of the individual income tax paid by these foreign nationals accounted for the entire local foreign-related local taxes was also increasing. 这些外籍人员缴纳的个人所得税占整个地方涉外地方税的比重也日益增大。